Missing Equipment Procedure
- If a guest reports skis or snowboard missing from the racks do not assume it was stolen. Equipment is more often picked up in error or a “swap out” with another guest’s equipment.
- After entering the lost report in Chargerback, you may offer the guest a complimentary rental for the remainder of their visit. Advise the guest to check the racks periodically throughout the day and to let you know if their equipment has been located.
- If at the end of the day, the equipment has not been located, ask the guest if they wish to complete a Missing/Stolen Equipment report. All reports are filed with the Killington Police for future reference in case the equipment was a theft. The forms are available at all guest services and ticketing locations.
- Give the guest the pink copy of the form for their records. The form is typically sufficient if the guest wishes to file a claim with their personal homeowners or tenants insurance or personal credit card protection plan.
- The white and yellow copies of the form should be given to guest services.
Missing Equipment Police Report Form: