Getting Detailed Pass Info
We can find various information regarding a person's pass through their access profile. This information can help us inform them about details of their pass or allow us to identify when and how much their pass has been used.
Checking Pass Days Used
- Customer Manager>Access/Pass Media Profile>Access Profile
- Select the correct access line
- There should be a "Days Used" column displaying the number of days the pass was scanned
Checking Scans Within a Day
- Customer Manager>Access/Pass Media Profile>Access Profile
- Select the correct access line & double-click.
- Select the "Individual Access" tab.
- This tab will show scans at various lifts around the mountain on specific dates and times.
By selecting the "Show Invalid Scans" box, you will be able to see scans that were not valid for various reasons. Most of the time this will tell you if a guest tried to scan a hotlisted or invalid pass.