Ikon Bring a Friend
Maximum Daily Rate | Base Window Rate (25% off) | |
Adult (18-64) | $199.00 | $149.25 |
Youth (7-17) | $153.00 | $114.75 |
Senior (65-79) | $169.00 | $126.75 |
Ikon Pass Friends & Family discounts are are based on the maximum daily ticket price and can not be applied to our already discounted online lift ticket rates. In the event the online ticket price is lower than the friends & family ticket, we recommend purchasing an online ticket and saving your friends & family ticket for another day. Be aware, online tickets will increase in price as the ticket date gets closer. The Ikon Friends & Family will not change.
How to Buy
Official Flow: This is the Ikon Pass supported flow where an Ikon Pass holder shares their discounts to friends/family from their account via email. The recipient of the discounts then needs to login to an existing or create an Ikon Pass Account to redeem. They select Killington from the list of resorts and then need to login or create a Killington account to proceed with checkout.
Unofficial Flow: This is our own designed flow, where someone buying F&F tickets can add to cart, only needs to have a Killington account and needs to enter the Ikon Pass of their friend/family as validation during checkout.
"Official Flow"
This process will be the same as last year.
- The Ikon passholder will email their BAF ticket to their friend/family member who DOES NOT share the same email as them. This may prove difficult if the guest who is receiving the BAF ticket is an immediate family member and does not have their own email address (particularly minors).
- The friend/family member will receive an email with steps to redeem their ticket.
- It will bring them to the Ikon Website where they will need to login/create an Ikon account if they do not have one already.
- Once in Ikon's website they will be brought to a page where they will need to select Killington as the location for redemption. If guest cannot see Killington in the list, remind them to scroll down to view.
- Once they select Killington, it will bring them to Killington's website where they will fill out the necessary info for the ticket and add to cart/checkout.
- They will need to login with their Killington account/create a new account to finish the regular checkout flow for Killington.
- Assign guest to product, add/reload RFID, sign waivers, enter CC and billing info and checkout.
"Unofficial Flow"
- Guest will need to navigate to the Ikon Bring a Friend ticket page in the website. The buy now option will bring them here.
- The guest will need to select whether the Friend/Family is an adult/youth/senior and select the date they wish to use the ticket.
- Add to Cart
- The guest will add any additional products they need to their cart and click checkout.
- Continue with the checkout process like normal by assigning guests to products and adding RFIDs if needed.
- Sign waivers if needed
- In the waiver page the guest will be prompted to enter the Ikon Passholders #. This number will be listed on their pass and will start with I9 or I8. (Make sure they are entering the letter I and not the number 1).
- Once the code is entered, they will hit validate and if the pass is valid they may continue with the checkout process by entering credit card info and completing their order.
What happens to my voucher if my F&F cancels their ticket?
Unfortunately, once a voucher has been redeemed we are unable to add the voucher back onto the pass holder's account. If for whatever reason the buddy ticket is canceled or given a voucher the pass holder will lose one of their discounts.
DeleteWhen do I use the "Unofficial Flow" vs. the "Official Flow"?
Staff will need to use best judgement as to which way to direct people. For example...If someone shared a discount from Ikon Pass and the person is stuck and passholder isn't available/around we should probably help them get through the official flow. If someone is stuck and passholder is around, we should probably give up on official flow and send them through unofficial flow.
If it also seems easier for the guest to contact their passholder to receive the pass number and they are stuck on the official process, direct them through the unofficial process.
DeleteWhat should a guest do if they receive a email with a code from an Ikon Passholder?
If guests receive an email from their passholder friend/family member they should be able to complete the process just as they did last year. If the guest is struggling, assist them with the process unless you deem it easier to have them go through the "unofficial flow" process.