Season Pass Troubleshooting
Things to Check For:
- Do they have a DOB loaded in the system (not listed as unknown)
- Do they have all required waivers signed? (Guest needs the 24/25 waiver signed if not in the system.)
- Do they have a photo uploaded to their account?
- Is there pass access on their account?
- Do they have any hotlists on their account? (On their pass media and/or pass access).
- Is their RFID linked to their pass account and active? (No duplicate accounts).
Payment Plan Issue?:
- The guest will login to their account on the Killington web.
- Click on “my account”
- Click on “payment plans” on the left-hand side
- Select the box next to their pass and click update Credit Card.
- Type in their Name on the card and the cc number then click update. The card should go through almost instantly for all failed payments.(The guest may enter the same card that had a failed payment and it will charge whatever payments are missing immediately.)
What to do if the card has been updated but is still not working:
Now, with the use of payment plans, if a guest updates their card on file and a payment will still not go through they will need to try a new card or contact their bank to investigate the issue. At this point we are unaware of any other issues on out end that would cause a failed payment.