On-site sales only. Unable to purchase online/in advance.
- 2023/2024 Ikon Pass Member Employee Benefits are based on the availability of window ticket sales at participating destinations.
- Not valid for dependents of employees.
- Receive 50% off the window rate pricing.
- The employee must be in good standing with their resort.
- The Ikon Pass Employment Verification form is non-transferable and may not be redeemed by anyone other than the individual it was issued to.
- When a team member’s employment ends, eligibility for a discount at any Ikon Pass partner resort may also be terminated unless team member completes the season in good standing and obtains approval from HR.
Ikon Pass Employee Form

How to sell
- Team members must present the original of the Team Member Employment Verification form (no photocopies), their 2023/24 resort season pass, valid photo ID, and a current paycheck stub/printed wage statement.
- Must go to the ticket window as we will need to see all proof of employment.
- Select the Ikon Employee product in RTP.
- Guests will need an RFID to load their discounted tickets.
© Killington - Welcome to the Beast 2022