Old RTP vs Central RTP
General Info
We have transferred all products and customer information to the Central RTP system. This will allow all POWDR resorts that use Central to link products and customer information so it can be easily accessible to users.
For the most part, RTP Central will look and feel the same as the old RTP. The general processes are the same and the location of information and processes will remain the same with a few minor changes.
Check Pass Scanner
You can scan a pass by going to the Web Access Control menu under "Go." You must select the appropriate lift location next to the location dropdown and click logon. There you may scan a pass to check if it is working or not.
You will find the new check pass scanner in the bookmarked tabs section in google chrome or in your primary internet browser if it has been added. You can find the link for the summer access scanner HERE.
Stored Credit Cards
Credit card information will no longer be stored under a guest's customer manager profile for security reasons. To charge a guest's card you will need to have the physical card or get the card number and required information from the guest at the time of the sale.
DeleteUsing the Property Profile
Any old information will no longer appear in transactions previous to the 22/23 summer and winter seasons. If you need to view old product sales you can find general pass and ticket transaction information within customer manager. You will find this under common profiles > user property profile.
DeleteBeast 365 Odd vs Even Access
Depending on the year a Beast 365 is sold it will show up under a customer's access profile as Odd or Even. It will not display the year of the pass. It will not change any of the access within the product. It is just a change in the name.