Adding Voucher to Transaction/Order
To apply your voucher to an order complete one of the actions.
If you have the voucher number handy, paste the number into the "Scan or Enter Voucher" box to apply to the sale.
If you located the voucher in the customer's profile, copy the voucher from their customer manager and paste it into the "Scan or Enter Voucher" box to apply to the sale.
You can also select the search tab at the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Then change the type to voucher and paste the customer's IP (by selecting customer) or paste the voucher ID (by selecting voucher) to pull up the guest's voucher(s).
DeleteWhat do I do when the voucher is greater than the balance owed?
When the voucher amount is greater than the total of the products on your order/sale, RTP will try to apply the full voucher amount. In this case, you will need to adjust the voucher amount during the redemption stage to the exact amount of the total. This way the voucher will not be burned and the remaining balance will be available for future use.
Example: the voucher is good for $6, but the total of the products is $5. Change the amount to $5 in the "apply amount" box.
Once the voucher is used, the voucher will remain valid with the remaining amount.
Why did the voucher come up as $0 when applied?
It is important to remember when redeeming a credit voucher that you apply the products to the order prior to redeeming the voucher. If the voucher is applied prior to adding products, it will apply a $0 amount to the order, and burn the voucher. If this happens, contact your SOD so they can recreate the voucher that was burned.
DeleteSearching for a Voucher
If the guest does not have access to their voucher or their voucher info we are able to search for it in our system by going through their customer manager account.
Customer manager>history profiles>voucher history>active voucher or inactive voucher>recipient
This should display any active/inactive vouchers attached to their account.
If the voucher is not displayed here, check for it in User Property Profile as it may have not been migrated over. If it is there migrate the voucher, or ask your SOD/Manager to migrate the voucher for use.
DeleteChecking Balance
To check a voucher's balance, paste the voucher number in the "scan or enter voucher" box or find the voucher under the guest's account through the search tab. The voucher details box will pop up once entered, listing the amount the voucher has on it. If you are simply checking the voucher amount, cancel the voucher before continuing so it is not redeemed.
DeleteSeeing who used a voucher
If a guest is inquiring about who used their voucher (whether it be a credit voucher or an F&F voucher), follow these steps.
1. Locate the guest's voucher number. They may have an image of their voucher number, the physical voucher (past seasons) or you can locate the voucher under their inactive vouchers in customer manager.
2. Copy the voucher number
3. Navigate to the One Resort Tools page.
4. Return/Refund a transaction.
5. Change the search criteria drop-down to "voucher" and paste the voucher number.
6. The transaction with the voucher should load. Expand the product line for more details.
7. You should see who the voucher was redeemed for.
How does a guest redeem their credit voucher online?
1. Guest will need to go to and log in to their online account.
2. Click the "My Account" drop-down and select vouchers.
3. If their voucher does not come up under product or discount vouchers, make sure they select "other vouchers" to view their cancellation credit voucher. Have them select the view/print option next to the credit voucher they wish to apply to their order.
4. The guest will want to make note of the voucher number under their barcode as this is the number they will enter during the checkout process. The voucher should also note how much money remains on the voucher.
5. The guest will want to click "menu" and add their products to their cart unless already done.
6. Once all products have been added to their cart, have the guest select "check out" and follow through the prompts. Assigning products to the group member, adding the RFID to the order if not already attached, and signing waivers when needed.
7. When the guest gets to the payment screen, they will need to select the dropdown labeled "order summary". This will display the location where they will enter their credit voucher code. Once entered, hit the apply button and the total due will reduce by however much was on the voucher.
8. If the voucher amount is greater than the total amount due, the remainder of the balance will stay on the guest's account with a voucher code attached.
9. Guest will proceed with the checkout process if payment is due on their end.
DeleteWhat should a guest do if stuck on the payment screen after clicking the voucher code box?
Sometimes, guests will click on the voucher code box during the billing section of the checkout process even though they do not have a voucher. When this happens, even will all other info correctly input into the system, it will not allow them to complete the process. To fix this, direct the guest to click or tab through all of the prompts on the screen starting at the top and it should allow them to continue. If not have them refresh their screen or go back a few steps in the process.